Link Search Menu Expand Document

Release #2020.11

New Features

  • New menu layouts for Data, Image & PDF Exports.
    Can now export date templates in XLS + XML from PIM dropdown menu. 
  • New - 2020 PDF Templates now support the following barcode formats with barcode validation:
  • Added rich data table from the Tags list
  • Added a way to remove individual tags in DAM
  • Added checkbox back into DataTable also changed selection to a hybrid of single click select and shift+click multi-row select. 
  • New - Ability to export a PDF without barcodes
  • New - PIM can now share image zip to a custom email address (like with DAM)

Quality Of Life Updates

  • UX between PIM & DAM now more similar. 
  • Improved selection in DAM. Can now select products across multiple pages.
  • Added informative error pages and better error logging. 
  • Updated menu ordering to be more logical (Import & Export menus)
  • Improvements to usability of column filtering.
  • DAM search speed improved when searching all assets, functionality improved
  • More detailed PDF export messages added
  • Export History no longer returns expired downloads
  • 2020 PDFs now support products with double quotes in the title.